Lee Mechanical TABB Certified

Lee Mechanical takes great pride in abiding by the highest industry standards to maintain the safest environments for our clients. We are proud to officially announce Lee is now a TABB Certified Testing and Balancing and Fire and Smoke Damper contractor. TABB is the only HVAC testing, adjusting, and balancing certification program accredited by the American National Standards Institute. When it comes to the proper way to test, adjust, and balance systems, TABB-certified professionals, are recognized as the most competent, reliable, and qualified in the HVAC industry.

Compliance with Nation First Protection Association 80Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, is vital. Select Lee’s certified professionals to remain compliant with NFPA 80 codes when testing fire and smoke dampers:

  • 19.5 Periodic testing
  • 19.5.1 Testing Frequency.
  • Each damper should be tested and inspected one year after acceptance testing.
  • The test and inspection frequency shall then be every four years, except in buildings containing a hospital, where frequency will be every six years


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