Lee Employeespotlight Tammywilde 053023

In the bustling world of organizing community outreach events, family outings, and managing details related to Lee Mechanical projects, Tammy Wilde, Commercial Service Coordinator, thrives. Her passion for her work shines through in every aspect of her role.

“I love that every day brings something new,” shares Wilde. “I enjoy supporting our technicians and project managers. It’s truly synergistic how we all work together, like a well-oiled machine.”

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Wilde’s extensive background in construction and service brings a wealth of knowledge to her team and benefits Lee’s customers.

“Customers are always our priority,” states Wilde. “Helping my technician’s day go smoothly extends right down the line to our customers. That teamwork helps us exceed our customers’ expectations every time.”

One of Wilde’s favorite aspects of working at Lee Mechanical is the company’s dedication to the community. An avid volunteer herself, Wilde has spent over a decade organizing the largest individual Blood Drive for Kenosha County. In the last drive alone, they yielded 102 donors giving lifesaving blood donations, ultimately saving 306 lives.

“Sometimes, the smallest bit of help produces the greatest change,” says Wilde, reflecting on the impact of community support.

When Wilde is not hard at work with the Lee team, she cherishes time with her “great accomplishment in life” – her beautiful family. Her husband, five children, and their grandchildren join her in creating cherished and memorable moments together.

Tammy Wilde’s commitment to teamwork, customer satisfaction, and community involvement makes her an invaluable asset to Lee Mechanical. Her passion for going above and beyond extends far beyond the workplace, as she continues to make a positive impact on the lives of those around her.


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