
Lee in the community

“It can be said that the family business serves as the brains behind innovation, the heart behind local philanthropy. We are a part of our community; we deal with issues in real time, and there is no multi-level bureaucracy. We empower our team to find solutions that provide a win for both sides. Community involvement is also a cornerstone of our company. Simply it’s faith, family and paying it forward. Lee is committed to connecting people to people through enriching our employees lives by volunteering time and resources with a focus on our local communities and youth programs.” -Bob Lee, Jr., CEO

“New Town” Award, Bob Lee Sr.

"New Town" Award, Bob Lee Sr. Congratulations to Bob Lee Sr. for recently being recognized with the "New Town" Award from Carthage College. "New Town" was a Phoenician Word that has evolved into English as "Carthage." This prestigious award honors individuals whose community leadership serves as a model for others. Pictured here, with Bob Lee Sr., is Bob Lee Jr., CEO of Lee Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electric.

Supporting the Boy Scouts

Supporting the Boy Scouts Bob Lee Sr. with Bob Nelson of Bane Nelson (one of the top business leaders in Kenosha) attending a 2016 Boy Scouts Fundraiser. This event was to honor the Vignieri Family and all that the family has done for the organization.

2016 Best of Kenosha, Best Employer

2016 Best of Kenosha, Best Employer "It's all about the people here. When you find good employees, hang onto them, empower them, believe in them, get out of their way and let them do their job." - Bob Lee, Jr.

2016 Best of Kenosha, Best Boss

2016 Best of Kenosha, Best Boss Bob Lee, Jr., the owner of Lee Plumbing, is humbled by winning this award again. He states he has never looked at himself as a boss but as just another member of the amazing Lee team.